Friday, 23 September 2016

Most used cards Mid September update

You will see them more often than not!!!!

Most used cards in the game 

With every update comes a new meta that defines the game for weeks to come or does it??
The card popularity snapshot by Woody is the most comprehensive guide to the current meta and the cards that are played by top 100 players in ladder play. Not only this gives an idea of the game but also helps us build a deck around or a deck to counter it. 

Elixir Collector879
Ice Spirit4721
Mini P.E.K.K.A42-12
Inferno Tower2819
Hog Rider241
Ice Wizard17-2
Three Musketeers133
Minion Horde12-10
Goblin Barrel117
Baby Dragon51
Fire Spirits42
Spear Goblins4-5
Skeleton Army32
Dark Prince2-5
Barbarian Hut00
Bomb Tower00
Giant Skeleton00
Goblin Hut00
Lava Hound00
Royal Giant00
The Log0-1
via reddit

There have been some very interesting changes in the lower half of the list but for about 3 weeks running- 

The Elixir Collector and Zap have been fighting it out for the top spot, and with recent nerf to miner the collector mostly goes unchallenged with guards doing the defence. 
The trifecta pivot poison remains one of the best spells the game has to offer. 
Zap was tipped by many to have a drop in use rates after the nerf but the value it provides for just 2 elixir and the stun effect still enough to keep it on top.
The guards are probably the best defence in the game at the moment and thus the armed skeletons get their place among top 5.
Though the royal giant use rates have dropped and air threats have decreased musketeer finds itself as the best ranged troop in game and mini pekka remains the kid with serious bullying issues and its excellence with giants and other tanky troops.
The giant remains the tankiest and most annoying of the troops to deal with followed by Inferno tower as its counter .
Interesting to see miner as the only legendary in top 10 cards in game which is good news for most.
Minions can be seen as only form of air defence and hog rider is not the gem we knew.
Arrows rise in popularity due to recent zap nerf which does effect the princess hard.

Cards to watch out for-

Three musketeer- 3 Weeks back no one used this card but with recent preference of giant and cycle decks and fireball popularity dropping. The split push method has made the 3 musketeer everyone's 
nightmare especially in overtime when the decks take a toll on you.

Bowler- Bowler's elixir cost deduction bought to light what an amazing card it is and is equally good in offence and defence with giants in front or other tankier support bowler is lot of value for 5 elixir.

Rage- A three elixir rage spell reduces risk factor involved and helps you cycle faster which is what we all want anyway :p

Ice spirit- already very popular its use rates will only increase with time just because of the value to provides for just 1 elixir.

Xbow and Mortar- If royale giant use rates decrease we might at last see the x-bow mortar buffs from last updates come in effect and they rise to popularity though probably the most hated cards in game history they are siege and they work wonders!!!!!

Decks to use and can be seen on the ladder-

Giant-Mini P.E.K.K.A Beatdown: Giant, Elixir Collector, Poison, Musketeer, Zap, Mini P.E.K.K.A, Guards, and choose ONE: [Prince (5), Ice Spirit (12), Bowler (3)

Giant Beatdown: Giant, Elixir Collector, Poison, Musketeer, Zap, Prince, Ice Spirit, Minions

Three Musketeers Beatdown :  Three Musketeers, P.E.K.K.A, Guards, Minions, Elixir Collector, Miner, Ice Spirit, Zap

Hog-Freeze [control variant]: Hog Rider, Elixir Collector, Freeze, Zap, Ice Wizard, Guards, Valkyrie, Inferno Tower

Hog-Freeze [beatdown variant]: Hog Rider, Elixir Collector, Freeze, Cannon, Knight, Poison, Archers, Barbarians

Miner-Mini Control: Miner, Mini P.E.K.K.A, Minion Horde, Elixir Collector, Cannon, Zap, Princess, Guards

Miner-Bowler Control: Miner, Bowler, Elixir Collector, Zap, Ice Spirit, Poison, Guards, Inferno Tower

Stay tuned for our comprehensive three musketeers guide and counter strategy

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Legendary drop rates and effects due to cards

Legendary cards are one of the reasons that make clash royale the game it is now and legendary cards are special because of their rarity. Every player who doesn't have a legendary dreams to get one, but what are the chances?

Legendaries have existed since quite some time now but most of us still don't have them. The odds to get one legendary depend on the 'Legendary factor' which varies according to two conditions.
  •  The chests- Each chest has a different legendary factor and some chests naturally have a higher chance of obtaining legendaries. For now super magical chests and magical chests have the best legendary factor in the game followed by a challenge chest and a silver chest promising commons lies at the bottom of the list.

Types of ChestsLegendary FactorNumber of Cards in A9 Chest7 Legendaries8 Legendaries9 Legendaries
credits: reddit
  • The number of commons in the game- The effect of commons on your chances is pretty significant in fact Supercell adding a common card to the game brings down the chances of having a legendary by 2 percent if added now and that is same as the chances of receiving legendary from a classic challenge chest which is pretty huge considering you might miss out on a legendary just because of a common card. Some of you might have complains about supercell adding legendaries to the game but technically adding a common would be much more brutal to our chances of getting a legendary. More the legendaries, the better our chances.

Calculating Our chances of legendary based on arena

To calculate legendary odds based on a chest  we will need to use this formula

Let us assume

R= number of cards in chest
M= total number of legendaries in game.
I= number of commons in game
N= legendary factor of the chest

Plugin the numbers in this formula

((R*M)/I)/N) and you ll get the chance percent of legendary from that chest

For example
In an arena 8 silver chest you get 10 cards      
Current number of legendaries are 7
Commons are 17
Legendary factor for the chest is 10000


((10*7)/17)/10000 which gives us .42 % Approx

Thus a frozen peak chest gives you .42%  chance of a legendary

Now if we calculate the same with one common more i.e 18 commons legendary chances decrease and if you add another legendary the increase

Why play challenges???

A grand challenge is great bang for your buck and best deal you can get from the game. In a grand challenge if you manage to win only 2 matches you get 2500 cold and 50 cards considering you invested only 100 gems which accounts to 1200 gold in game, by winning only two matches you are earning more gold per gem than you get from shop and a bonus of 50 cards and legendary odds are also significantly high  have a look

Grand challenge

Number of WinsNumber of Cards in A9 Chest7 Legendaries8 Legendaries9 Legendaries
credits: reddit

For classic challenge if you win 12 game your chances of getting a legendary is 2%

Classic Challenge

Number of WinsNumber of Cards in A9 Chest7 Legendaries8 Legendaries9 Legendaries
credits : reddit

Chest cycle:

With new chests introduced the cycle will change a bit. Now there are two new chests added to the cycle with super magical chest i.e now you will receive an epic chest a super magical and a magical chest every 500 chests you open. Though expected more it's triple the happiness as we had to wait 500 chests to get one super magical before

Be sure to follow us on facebook for detailed list of most used cards and current meta tomorrow.
Thanks for the support!!

Monday, 19 September 2016

CLASH ROYALE: Update- 19th September, 2016.

Till date everything that has been confirmed or discovered by a reddit user is posted below and though data is not confirmed most of it is positive and very likely.

  • The creation of a custom tournament now awards 100 gems
  • New WinStreak achievement for challenge tournament
Win in a challengeExpGems
Spells Described 2 new spells.
Graveyard5 secondsSpawns for 5 seconds a max of 8 skeleton in the spell's area
FreezeIceGolemite1.5 secondsSlow down ground troops for 1.5 seconds after the ice golimite died (?)
  • Graveyard spell released on 28/09/2016

Troops 3 new troops
Name in game filesraritydeploytimespeedhitpointsHitSpeedDamageRangeDeathDamageRadiusDeathDamagetargetOnlyBuildings
IceGolemiterare1 secslow6252.5 sec40melee1.5 more than the golem23yes
InfernoDragonLegendary1 secMedium9500.4 sec304----no
MegaMinionRare1 secMedium3951.31622----no
  • Mega Minion released on 20/09/2016
  • Ice Golem released on 14/10/2016
  • InfernoDragon released on 28/10/2016

  • Chest cycle is the same
  • You can find a legendary chest only if you have more than 2000 trophy
  • You can find an epic chest only if you have more than 1000 trophy
  • Epic chest chance: 500
  • Legendary chest chance: 500
  • They probably use the same cycle system used by the SuperMagicalChest. SMC, Legendary chest and Epic chest are equally probable.
  • Super chest cycle of 500 chests will only begin after you hit the 400 chests. Thanks to u/alisj99
Chest probability
Classic Challenge chest101002000
Grand Challenge chest101002000
Magic/Supermagic (for comparison)530600
Free/Crown (for comparison)102004000
  • What does it mean? With the challenge chest you have more probability of obtain epic and legendary than a crown/free chest, but fewer respect an SMC.

Text changes:
Archer descriptionA pair of unarmored ranged attackers. They´ll help you with ground and air unit attacks, but you´re on your own with coloring your hair.A pair of lightly armored ranged attackers. They'll help you take down ground and air units, but you´re on your own with hair coloring advice.
Witch descriptionSummons skeletons....Summons Skeletons....
Rage descriptionIncreases troop movement and attack speed. Troop buildings and summoners deploy troops faster. Chaaaarge!Increases troop movement and attack speed. Buildings attack faster and summon troops quicker, too. Chaaaarge!
Lightning descriptionBolts of lightning hit up to three enemy troops or buildings with the most hitpoints in the target area. Reduced damage to Crown Towers.Bolts of lightning damage and stun up to three enemy troops or buildings with the most hitpoints in the target area. Reduced damage to Crown Towers.
Bowler descriptionThis big blue dude digs the simple things in life - Dark Elixir drinks and throwing rocks. His massive boulders bounce off their target, landing behind for a double strike!This big blue dude digs the simple things in life - Dark Elixir drinks and throwing rocks. His massive boulders roll through their target, hitting everything behind for a strike!
Inferno dragon--Shoots a focused beam of fire that increases in damage over time. Wears a helmet because flying can be dangerous.
Graveyard--Unearths a gang of Skeletons anywhere in the Arena. Spooky!
MegaMinion--Flying, armored and powerful. What could be its weakness?! Cupcakes.
Ice Golem--He's tough, targets buildings and explodes when destroyed, slowing nearby enemies. Wears a fashionable collar of coal to match his nose and nails.
Sparky descriptionWith a coil of iron and wheels of wood, Sparky charges up and unloads massive area damage. Overkill isn't in her dictionary.Sparky slowly charges up, then unloads MASSIVE area damage. Overkill isn't in her dictionary.

  • Spectating a battle you can send a maximum of 20 confetti;
  • In the Challenge chest you will find a minimum of 3 different card and a maximum of 10
  • The staggered card release is enabled in the game files. No client update is needed.
  • Training camp has new predefined deck
  • you will get a notification when a new card is released